Friday, 18 June 2010

Weather warm,a bit over cast, but fine for tea in garden at Penshurst, a very lovely one, with the most beautiful "Black Lace Elderflower"Every one seem to have a good time, Simon was very good chatting to lots of people.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Cup of tea being enjoyed after lunch.

Members enjoying the sun at Rye

Friday, 4 June 2010

June 4th, we were blessed with really beautiful weather, the sun shone on us. coach picked us up from church and cake shop, with help we all got on. Drive to Rye, slow as traffic was bad but country looking truly lovely. Restaurant good a bit warm in conservatory, but after pudding sat out by river and watched world go by, several walked up to shops, or were pushed. David took Mrs Phipps right up to church, hill to steep for rest of us.Lovely easy drive home, no traffic. I think every one had a good day,I hope so, I did.
Pictures to follow.
Next meeting June 18th in a special garden, weather permitting.
Details Annie 0132 833195.

Pictures up soon.